BackTrax Classic
If you own BackTrax Classic you can export your saved sets in that app and then import them in the new version of BackTrax.
First, in BackTrax Classic tap the button at the top right, then tap the button near the bottom labeled “Export Sets for BackTrax 3”. This should work very quickly and you’ll see an “Export Complete” alert.
Now you can launch the new version of BackTrax, open the BackTrax Library (), tap the Import button and you’ll have a new import option at the top: “BackTrax Classic”. This will show an activity alert for a time depending on how large your BackTrax Classic data is, then display a “Finished” alert. If you tap the and select “Load Set List”, you should see the imported sets as the most recently saved ones, as it reflects the time the sets were imported. All of the songs in the imported sets are added to your BackTrax Library and available for use in new sets.
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