The Future of BackTrax

Sep 5, 2018 • Ryan

2020-04-08 Update: A lot has changed since the original version of this post was written. Here are the main points for BackTrax Classic users.

BackTrax 3.0

The brand new version of BackTrax is set to be released Saturday, April 8th, 2020 and you can read about it throughout the rest of this website. It will be sold for a one-time purchase of $14.99 (US) that will include all the core functionality and continued improvements and additional features. The original plan was for subscription pricing to give it a better chance of business sustainability, but in the end the most important factor was that I don’t want anybody to have to worry about subscription renewals to count on the app working at every gig. There will be a Premium/Pro subscription add-on later that will include additional layers of features, but all of the audio and file attachment/lyrics features will always be part of the standard purchase. (Nothing about the Pro plan is set in stone yet.)

BackTrax Classic

The previous version of BackTrax was already renamed BackTrax Classic, and this week it was removed for sale from the App Store. Current owners of BackTrax Classic will continue to be able to download it for as long as it works, which is expected to be several more years. An export feature has been added to bring all saved content to the new BackTrax, and there’s more about that in the documentation under Importing Content.